Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Anguilla Hotel & Tourism Association Auctions

The old motto of the Anguilla (per their tourism board) was "tranquility wrapped in blue", which I always thought summed it up really well. Tranquility was exactly what I was looking for every time I visited Anguilla, and I always found it. The new motto is "feeling is believing". I don't like it nearly as much because I don't think it describes Anguilla at all. Ah well.

One thing you may want to check out is the Anguilla Hotel & Tourism Association auctions. You can find these auctions at

They have some good deals from hotels and private villas around the island and have auctioned off packages from places like La Sirena, Sheriton Estates, Paradise Cove and Cuisinart, Eden House Villa and Rendezvous Bay Hotel to name just a few.

The colorful image you see above is of The Arawak in Island Harbor.

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